Mentoring with Global Target


When we first met Scott from Jergens, Inc. he was a GlobalTarget participant – now Scott is giving back as a GlobalTarget Mentor. He’s the newest mentor to join the GlobalTarget program at Cleveland State University.

Mentorship in GlobalTarget

Now Scott is turning to giving back to others like him. As the newest mentor to join the program on the “other end” of the dialogue, he says he’s “fortunate to be a part of this fantastic GlobalTarget team. Helping SMEs grow and perform on the international stage is a passion for me. I look forward to bringing my ‘people first’ perspective as well as past export acumen to participants of the GlobalTarget program.”

According to Nate Ward, Director of the Global Business Center at the Monte Ahuja College of Business, “the key advantage of our accelerator program comes frvom the insight of our mentors, half of whom went through the program themselves. That includes me. I went through the program to learn before becoming a mentor, and now as an organizer for the program.”

If your company is struggling to put together the pieces of how to maximize your global business this is the most comprehensive, highest caliber program to get into. Ohio companies may be eligible to receive 100% reimbursement for registration fees through the Ohio Export Grant.

Learn more about GlobalTarget

Apply for the cohort beginning November 3


Small Business Success


Success with Global Target